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MCC Coronavirus (COVID-19) Archived Updates

January 3: MCC 2022 Operations Update

Our ongoing thanks go to our College community for doing its part in helping us navigate this pandemic to ensure the health and safety of all.

With a new year ahead, it is imperative to continue the pandemic safety protocols that have served us well thus far. The following are reminders as we return to working and learning at MCC.

  • As a reminder, all MCC instructional facilities will be open for regular business and service hours to support educational use to credit and noncredit students, faculty, staff, workforce training participants, as well as business and community partners.
  • A full array of on-campus, remote, hybrid and online credit, noncredit and workforce training courses is offered to provide students with a wide range of learning options.
  • Masks will be required for any individual inside MCC-operated facilities.
  • Sensible distancing will be practiced in all buildings.
  • MCC will continue emphasizing the use of enhanced cleaning protocols, hand sanitizer, frequent handwashing, physical barriers, and other virus mitigation practices, including optimized HVAC systems.
  • MCC will continue to host on-site mobile vaccination clinics for faculty, staff, students, and community members through local health departments.
  • MCC will continue to monitor cases of employees and students with exposures or illness, using the COVID-19 Reporting Form; isolation and quarantine guidance will be provided to those using the form.
August 11: MCC 2021 Fall Quarter Operations

This fall, all MCC instructional facilities will be open for regular business and services hours to support educational use to credit and noncredit students, faculty, staff, workforce training participants, as well as business and community partners.

  • A full array of on-campus, remote, hybrid and online credit, noncredit and workforce training courses will be offered to provide students with a wide range of learning options.
  • Masks will be required for any individual inside MCC-operated facilities.
  • Sensible distancing will be practiced in all buildings.
  • MCC will continue emphasizing the use of enhanced cleaning protocols, hand sanitizer, frequent handwashing, physical barriers, and other virus mitigation practices, including optimized HVAC systems.
  • MCC will continue to host on-site mobile vaccination clinics for faculty, staff, students, and community members through local health departments.
  • MCC will continue to monitor cases of employees and students with exposures or illness, and manage quarantines as needed.
July 1: Mask-optional guidance update for MCC grounds and facilities

As low COVID-19 case numbers and increased vaccination rates develop at the College, county, and state levels, MCC will lift its current mask mandate and move to a mask-optional status. Effective Tuesday, July 6, 2021, masks will not be required on MCC grounds nor within MCC facilities.

Note: Masks may still be required in designated areas if federal, state, or local laws, rules, or program requirements apply (e.g., health care or summer youth programs).

This change assumes that those who choose to be vaccinated will have taken advantage of the opportunities to do so. Current CDC guidance indicates that individuals who are fully vaccinated may resume normal activities.

Related guidance and information:

  • Masks are still encouraged for those who are not yet fully vaccinated, and for any others who wish to wear them.
  • MCC student service counters will maintain a supply of free masks for those who may need them during their time on campus.
  • The College will continue to host mobile vaccination clinics on-site through local health departments.
  • MCC will continue to monitor cases, including reporting of employees and students with exposures or illness, and quarantines as needed
  • MCC continues to promote social distancing, extra cleaning, use of hand sanitizer, frequent handwashing, physical barriers, and other virus mitigation practices.

Should local circumstances indicate an increased threat of COVID-19 transmission, we wi ll adjust these guidelines as needed to ensure the safety of the greater MCC community.

May 11: MCC 2021 Summer Quarter Operations

This summer, all MCC instructional facilities will open to support educational use to credit and noncredit students, faculty, staff, workforce training participants, as well as business and community partners. Instructional facilities will return to regular summer hours, ramping up availability and walk-in access.

Summer quarter at MCC will offer an array of in-person, online, and blended sections. Students with questions on a specific class or offerings should call 531-MCC-2400. We look forward to offering a full array of on-campus classes during the fall quarter.

Summer quarter offerings

  • There will be multiple entry points to credit classes for summer quarter:
    • Full 10-week session starts 06/06/21 – 08/16/21
    • Five-week session #1 starts 06/06/21 – 07/12/21
    • Five-week session #2 starts 07/13/21 – 08/16/21
  • Current high school students and 2021 high school graduates may attend credit courses at no cost this summer.
March 29: MCC 2021 Spring Quarter Operations

Most courses remain online for spring 2021, but in-person and blended sections will increase to 40 percent to allow for a phased approach to in-person service. Here are our key steps on the MCC roadmap for spring 2021:

  • Multiple entry points to credit classes for spring quarter, including:
    • Full 11-week session starts 03/11/21 – 05/26/21
    • Five-week session #1 starts 03/11/21 – 04/18/21
    • Five-week session #2 starts 04/22/21 – 05/26/21
  • Building-specific access to students and faculty, per course registrations is allowed. On-site check-in protocols for faculty, staff, and students will continue to be present at all instructional buildings.
  • Increased on-campus student-facing services, including Learning and Tutoring Centers for quiet study, Student Service Spots and Financial Aid inside instructional buildings.
  • Increased on-campus staffing levels as needed, per area plans.
  • Limited community-focused education at MCC at Do Space and MCC North Express.
  • Extended restrictions on public access to campuses and facilities through at least summer quarter.
  • Extended restrictions on faculty and staff travel through at least summer quarter.
February 12: COVID-19 vaccines available to Veterans through VA clinics

Veterans Affairs (VA) clinics in Nebraska are currently vaccinating Veterans 65 and older, Veterans with high-risk conditions, and frontline workers as determined by CDC guidelines.

Veterans wanting to receive the vaccine from the VA must be enrolled in VA healthcare and must sign up through VA to be contacted once vaccines are ready to be offered.

To enroll in VA healthcare, Veterans can call the VA Eligibility and Enrollment Department at 402-995-4050 and provide a copy of the DD214 to speed the process. Assistance with healthcare enrollment is available by contacting: Kyle J. Lamb, LICSW – V.I.T.A.L. VA Campus Outreach Program, 402-807-6094

Additional vaccine information and updates for Veterans can be found at

February 1: COVID-19 vaccinations and our community

As state and local health departments continue to implement the statewide vaccination plan, much uncertainty remains as to when individuals in the higher education sector will be vaccinated, and whether colleges and universities will be used as distribution hubs for their own personnel. MCC remains vigilant and continues to advocate for our faculty, staff, and students.

At this time, we encourage community members to register via their county or the state’s vaccination sign-up systems. More information can be found at this trusted source: Nebraska Med Vaccine Information.

January 19: COVID-19 vaccine notification system for 65+ population now available

The Douglas County Health Department has enabled an e-mail system that will notify those who participate on when DCHD will begin taking COVID-19 vaccine appointments for individuals ages 65 and older.

To participate, individuals ages 65 and older can sign up for notifications at:

The age range of 65 and older is the next immediate population group eligible to receive the vaccine in Nebraska, once Phase 1a of the state’s priority groups — healthcare workers and long-term care residents and staff — is complete in late January.

Additional information on the e-mail notification system and ongoing updates on COVID-19 vaccination priority groups can be found at:

November 20: Updated Winter Operations

In light of increased community spread, MCC will maintain basic operations for Winter quarter, then plan for additional blended offerings, increased student support and non-instructional activities on campus as the Spring quarter approaches.

UPDATED Winter Quarter Operations: December 3 – February 28

  • Continued online or remote delivery of most education and training courses, reserving campus use for face-to-face and blended sections that involve significant hands-on learning.
  • Multiple start points into credit instruction will include:
    • Full 11-week session, 12/03/20 – 2/28/21
    • First 5-week session, 12/03/20 – 1/17/21
    • Second 5-week session, 1/25/21 – 2/28/21
  • Continued limited community-focused education at MCC Do Space and MCC North Express.
  • Building-specific access limited to students and faculty, per course registrations.
  • Continued student services through designated Student Service Spots in instructional buildings.
  • Limited building access to non-instructional personnel in accordance with approved departmental plans or by written permission from area vice presidents.
  • Extension of existing restrictions on College travel and public use of facilities until further review at the end of the Winter quarter.
  • Facilities personnel will continue to clean all areas after use.

Self-Reporting & Exposure

Please help us manage our MCC community virus containment efforts by reporting any symptoms, exposure or positive cases among faculty, staff, or students. It’s important to report all incidents, on- or off-campus and throughout the quarter break by using our confidential MCC Illness Reporting & Contact Tracing form (

October 26: Dialing up student progress, safety

With the virus still very prevalent in our community, MCC continues to prioritize a campus use plan that maximizes student progress while minimizing health risks and viral spread.

Safety first in on-campus class sessions

  • On-campus classes, labs and shops will meet with typically 30 to 50 percent normal student capacity to ensure social distancing. To provide increased opportunities, additional face-to-face classes may take place during five-week sessions (if conditions allow):
    • Five-week session No.1 starts 12/03/20 – 1/17/21
    • Five-week session No. 2 starts 1/25/21 – 2/28/21
  • Students age 65 or older or those who have an underlying medical condition are advised to take fully online courses.
  • Face coverings are required in all campuses and locations, classrooms, shops, labs, hallways or outside areas where people may congregate. Student will be expected to bring their own face coverings, but the College will have a supply of disposable masks on hand if needed.
  • Cleaning protocols for classrooms and buildings include cleaning and disinfecting at regular intervals throughout the day. Recognizing that staying healthy in a pandemic is a shared responsibility, faculty and students may be asked to wipe down their desks and work stations before and after use. Buildings will be deep cleaned at night.

Contactless transactions

  • Secure, cashless and contactless payments are available at campus bookstores, the Registrar’s office and others to help with capacity management and keeping students safe.
August 28: MCC extends the travel suspension through the end of the calendar year

Due to coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns, Metropolitan Community College is extending the suspension of College-sponsored long-distance/out-of-state domestic travel through December 31, 2020. This suspension applies to students, faculty and staff traveling outside their daily routines. Future long-distance/out-of-state domestic travel planning will resume only after this suspension is lifted.

Any local or in-state College business requiring travel should be cautiously considered and minimized to the extent feasible.

August 13: Student Health Videos

Bring Up Nebraska partners, collaborating with Rabble Mill/The Bay, produced the 45-second video in English, Spanish, and Arabic to highlight the importance of hand-washing, social distancing and wearing masks. The videos were created with input from students, for students, on how their actions can keep their families, their communities and themselves healthy during the pandemic.

As Nebraskans head back to school, we want to remind everyone to continue using best practices to stay healthy and slow the spread of the virus, said Gov. Ricketts. I appreciate the work Bring Up Nebraska and its partners have done to share this important message with students.

Bring Up Nebraska partners meet frequently to discuss ways to assist Nebraskans as they navigate the coronavirus pandemic.  During these conversations, one topic has come up repeatedly—the challenge of young people heading back to school in August.

August 1: Suspension of community events at College facilities extended

Metropolitan Community College continues taking sensible steps to keep our College and its four-county area protected as status of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) changes. Following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance on meetings and travel, MCC is extending its original suspension of community events at College facilities through December 1, 2020.

This suspension applies to all College campuses and locations and its timeframe impacts:

  • Community-hosted meetings or events at MCC facilities.
  • College-hosted meetings or events involving community guests at MCC facilities.
  • Existing and future approvals of tables in common areas until further notice.
  • New facility-use requests and reservations until further notice.

We encourage community event planners impacted by this suspension to contact the MCC Events Office at for guidance on postponement or cancellation.

July 22: Board of Governors July 28, 2020 Meeting

Pursuant to certain requirements of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act and in order to comply with social distancing guidelines due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Board of Governors of the Metropolitan Community College Area is providing members of the Board, College administration, the general public, and members of the media with the alternative to attend the July 28, 2020 Board of Governors’ meeting and provide public comment during the meeting via Zoom Meeting - Meeting ID: 959 2276 2950.

If members of the public wish to speak during the public comment portion of the meeting, they may do so via the Zoom online conferencing service or by attending in-person. If participating via Zoom, public members may speak when called for by the Board Chair in Agenda Item 2a. They will be asked to state their name and organization, presenting their comments and then stating, “complete” when finished speaking. The Board Chair will then ask if Board members have comments or questions for the public comment speaker.

If attending in-person, MCC requires masks when more than one person is located in a room.

June 18: Board of Governors June 23, 2020 Meeting

Pursuant to Executive Order No. 20-24 issued by the Governor of Nebraska on May 19, 2020 providing a limited waiver of certain requirements of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act (see copy of Executive Order attached to the Meeting Agenda) and in order to comply with government orders restricting public gatherings in response to the COVID-19 situation, notice is hereby given that the meeting of the Board of Governors of the Metropolitan Community College Area scheduled for Tuesday, June 23, 2020, commencing at 6:30 o’clock P.M. will be accessible by members of the Board, College administration, the general public and members of the media via Zoom online conferencing service at - Meeting ID: 929 6345 1638 or phone conferencing services at 312 626 6799 with Meeting ID: 929 6345 1638.

Members of the public wishing to speak during the public comment portion of the meeting may do so by participating via the Zoom online conferencing service and speaking when called for by the Board Chair in Agenda Item 2a. They will be asked to state their name and organization, presenting their comments and then stating, “complete” when finished speaking. The Board Chair will then ask if Board members have comments or questions for the public comment speaker.

May 21: 14-day quarantine requirement lifted; College-sponsored travel suspension extended

Nebraska state government has lifted the recommendation that individuals who travel out of state should quarantine themselves for 14 days upon their return. Accordingly, the College is rescinding the 14-day quarantine requirement for employees who travel out of state. 

College-sponsored travel continues to be suspended through August 31. The College may revisit either decision based on future conditions.

May 15: Suspension of community events at College facilities extended

Metropolitan Community College is taking sensible steps to keep our College and its four-county area protected as status of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) changes.

Following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance on meetings and travel, MCC is extending its original suspension of community events at College facilities through Aug. 1.

This suspension applies to all College campuses and locations and its timeframe impacts:

  • Community-hosted meetings or events at MCC facilities.
  • College-hosted meetings or events involving community guests at MCC facilities.
  • Existing and future approvals of tables in common areas until further notice.
  • New facility-use requests and reservations until further notice.

Subsequent requests will be reviewed beginning July 15. We encourage community event planners impacted by this suspension to contact the MCC Events Office at for guidance on postponement or cancellation.

Ongoing updates and decisions can be found on the following College channels:
MCC COVID-19 Official Resource Page
MCC Community Events Page

Additional helpful resources:
Coronavirus community information from Nebraska Medicine
Coronavirus summary from the CDC

May 14: Board of Governors May 19, 2020 Meeting

Pursuant to Executive Order No. 20-03 issued by the Governor of Nebraska on March 17, 2020 providing a limited waiver of certain requirements of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act (see copy of Executive Order attached to the Meeting Agenda) and in order to comply with government orders restricting public gatherings in response to the COVID-19 situation, notice is hereby given that the meeting of the Board of Governors of the Metropolitan Community College Area scheduled for Tuesday, May 19, 2020, commencing at 6:30 o’clock P.M. will be accessible by members of the Board, College administration, the general public and members of the media via Zoom online conferencing service via - Meeting ID: 962 2743 8857 or phone conferencing services at: 312-626-6799 with Meeting ID: 962 2743 8857.

Members of the public wishing to speak during the public comment portion of the meeting may do so by participating via the Zoom online conferencing service and speaking when called for by the Board Chair in Agenda Item 2a. They will be asked to state their name and organization, presenting their comments and then stating, “complete” when finished speaking. The Board Chair will then ask if Board members have comments or questions for the public comment speaker.

May 4: MCC Continuing Education classes canceled through August 31, online alternates available

Metropolitan Community College continues implementing the recommendations of the Douglas County Health Department and the guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as part of its response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

To continue ensuring the public’s safety, MCC has canceled noncredit Continuing Education face-to-face classes through Monday, August 31. Alternate delivery programs have been developed, visit to view online class offerings.

Those registered for a summer class, will be contacted via email and phone about the class cancelation and notified whether online options are available for the canceled class. Refunds will be issued 12-15 business days on the card used at the time of registration once the refund is processed through the College’s registration system.

This cancelation applies to all face-to-face summer noncredit courses held at College facilities and to the following programs:

  • College for Kids and Teen Culinary summer programs
  • College for Kids at the following sites:
    • La Vista Community Center
    • Deerfield Primary School
    • Aldrich Elementary School
    • Anchor Pointe Elementary School
    • Aspen Creek Middle School
    • Hickory Hill Elementary School
    • Oakdale Elementary School
    • MCC North Express
    • Bancroft Elementary School
    • MCC at Do Space
    • MCC Fort Omaha Campus
    • MCC Fremont Area Center
    • MCC South Express
  • College for Teens at the following sites:
    • Blair Public Library and Technology Center
    • La Vista Community Center
    • MCC Applied Technology Center
    • MCC at Do Space
    • MCC Elkhorn Valley Campus
    • MCC Fort Omaha Campus
    • MCC Fremont Area Center
    • MCC North Express
    • MCC Sarpy Center
    • MCC South Express
    • MCC South Omaha Campus
    • Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium
    • Silver of Oz

The College will not publish a digital or print mailer/catalog for its summer quarter. Visit to view current online class offerings.

Ongoing updates and decisions can be found on the MCC COVID-19 Official Resource Page.

April 27: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Resources

Metropolitan Community College is currently monitoring news of the coronavirus outbreak. MCC is in close contact with the Douglas County Health Department and other local health experts, and will adhere to their guidance. The National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will serve as our primary source of information. As has been the case with past infectious disease outbreaks, the College will follow proven procedures to limit the spread of illness and prepare for contingencies.

Watch for symptoms

People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness.

These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Chills
  • Repeated shaking with chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • New loss of taste or smell

If you have any of these emergency warning signs* for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion or inability to arouse
  • Bluish lips or face

*This list is not all inclusive. Please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you.

Call 911 if you have a medical emergency: Notify the operator that you have, or think you might have, COVID-19. If possible, put on a cloth face covering before medical help arrives.

Things you can do:

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others.
  • ​Wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Use hand sanitizer
  • Stay home when sick
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Do not touch eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with your arm instead of your hands

Helpful links for more information:

For further questions, contact the MCC Health Advisory Committee at

April 22: Board of Governors April 28, 2020 Meeting

Pursuant to Executive Order No. 20-03 issued by the Governor of Nebraska on March 17, 2020 providing a limited waiver of certain requirements of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act and in order to comply with government orders restricting public gatherings in response to the COVID-19 situation, notice is hereby given that the meeting of the Board of Governors of the Metropolitan Community College Area scheduled for Tuesday, April 28, 2020, commencing at 6:30 o’clock P.M. will be accessible by members of the Board, College administration, the general public and members of the media via Zoom online conferencing service at Meeting ID: 755 563 997 or phone conferencing services at: 312-626-6799 with Meeting ID: 755 563 997.

Members of the public wishing to speak during the public comment portion of the meeting may do so by participating via the Zoom online conferencing service and speaking when called for by the Board Chair in Agenda Item 2a. They will be asked to state their name and organization, presenting their comments and then stating, “complete” when finished speaking. The Board Chair will then ask if Board members have comments or questions for the public comment speaker.

April 21: Suspension of community events at College facilities extended

Metropolitan Community College is taking sensible steps to keep our College and its four-county area protected as status of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) changes.

Following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance on meetings and travel, MCC is extending its original suspension of community events at College facilities through May 31.

This suspension applies to all College campuses and locations and its timeframe impacts:

  • Community-hosted meetings or events at MCC facilities.
  • College-hosted meetings or events involving community guests at MCC facilities.
  • Existing and future approvals of tables in common areas until further notice.
  • New facility-use requests and reservations until further notice.

We encourage community event planners impacted by this suspension to contact the MCC Events Office at for guidance on postponement or cancellation.

Ongoing updates and decisions can be found on the following College channels:
MCC COVID-19 Official Resource Page
MCC Community Events Page

Additional helpful resources:
Coronavirus community information from Nebraska Medicine
Coronavirus summary from the CDC

April 16: Metropolitan Community College further restricts facilities access, suspends Student Service Spots

Metropolitan Community College continues implementing the recommendations of the Douglas County Health Department and the guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as part of its response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

To this end, MCC will be taking additional steps to protect students and employees as the peak point of transmission for the pandemic is expected to reach the College’s service area. Safety remains paramount, even as the College continues to serve students.

The College will implement the following actions beginning Monday, April 20:

  • Suspending Student Service Spots until further notice. During this time, student services will only be delivered remotely.
  • Limiting access to College facilities only to approved staff members.

Students needing support during this time can contact Academic Advisors or call 531-MCC-2400. Ongoing updates and decisions can be found on the MCC COVID-19 Official Resource Page.

April 2: MCC activates dedicated Student Service Spots starting April 3

MCC continues implementing the recommendations of the Douglas County Health Department and the guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as part of its response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. By reducing physical presence at its locations, the College is practicing social distancing, minimizing personal contact and virus transmission, while continuing its educational services through e-learning and alternate delivery methods.

Effective Friday, April 3, 5:00 p.m., MCC will limit student and public access to select campus areas. Social distancing and advanced sanitation procedures will be enforced.

Designated staff and police will continue serving students at three Student Service Spots:

  • Fort Omaha Campus – Career and Academic Skills Center (Building 23), first floor
  • Elkhorn Valley Campus – Commons and student services areas
  • South Omaha Campus – Commons and student services areas
    Hours for above: M-Th, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. and F, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Student Service Spot locations will offer financial aid support; Zoom service access to advisors, counselors and navigators; ePantry pick-up; select bookstore services, and referrals to College supports via remote access.

Ongoing updates and decisions can be found on the MCC COVID-19 Official Resource Page.

March 17: Social distancing: what to expect if visiting campus during COVID-19 pandemic

Metropolitan Community College campuses and locations remain open to continue supporting students through the College's learning, tutoring, testing, writing and math centers, College bookstores, Elkhorn and Fort Omaha Campus libraries, and for advisement with previous appointment.

To enforce social distancing, the College asks that:

  • Individuals limit coming to campus if not seeking an aforementioned service or if they don't have a scheduled meeting or appointment.
  • Individuals don't congregate in common areas of campuses or locations.
  • Follow social distancing recommendations of staying 3-6 feet from another individual.
  • Those seeking WiFi connectivity are encouraged to contact Cox Communications to take advantage of Connect2Compete, a free 30-day WiFi connection to enable reduced contact with others.
March 15: MCC cancels on-campus credit classes Monday and Tuesday, moves to e-learning 3/18

As announced, MCC classes will be delivered via e-learning and alternate modes of delivery starting Wednesday 3/18. Students should not report to campus Monday or Tuesday. Instructors will contact students to ensure their courses continue with minimal interruption. This update applies to all campuses and locations. 

The decision comes in response to Saturday’s announcement by Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts of the state’s first case of community spread and Nebraska’s publication of guidance on events and public gatherings. There are currently no COVID-19 cases related to MCC, but suspending face-to-face instruction assists the community in helping stop the spread of the virus.

MCC is committed to helping every student reach their goal, including finishing this spring quarter strong. Student Support Services, Academic Advising, IT support and more can be found by visiting MCC student tools and resources on the College website. Every instructor and dean is working to ensure that quarter disruption is minimal. 

Ongoing updates and decisions can be found on the MCC COVID-19 Official Resource Page.

March 13: MCC moves credit classes to e-learning starting March 18

Effective Wednesday, March 18, Metropolitan Community College will move credit classes to e-learning and alternate class delivery methods through the end of the Spring quarter (May 22). Between now and Wednesday, March 18, credit classes and all services will continue as normal. Starting Wednesday, Faculty will communicate specific instructions to their students for each individual class.

There are currently no COVID-19 cases related to MCC, but suspending face-to-face instruction assists the community in helping stop the spread of the virus.

College administration is working closely with the Douglas County Health Department and other local health officials, while following guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The College believes it is in a position to positively impact the Omaha community by slowing the spread of the virus. By suspending on-campus classes, the College is practicing social distancing, minimizing personal contact and virus transmission.

Ongoing updates and decisions can be found on the following College channels:
MCC COVID-19 Official Resource Page
MCC Community Events Page

Additional helpful resources:
Coronavirus community information from Nebraska Medicine
Coronavirus summary from the CDC

March 12: Suspension of community events at College facilities

Metropolitan Community College is taking sensible steps to keep our College and its four-county area protected as status of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) changes.

Following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance on meetings and travel, MCC is suspending use of its facilities to external community groups starting March 21 through April 30.

This suspension applies to all College campuses and locations and its timeframe impacts:

  • Community-hosted meetings or events at MCC facilities.
  • College-hosted meetings or events involving community guests at MCC facilities.
  • Existing and future approvals of tables in common areas until further notice.
  • New facility-use requests and reservations until further notice.

We encourage community event planners impacted by this suspension to contact the MCC Events Office at for guidance on postponement or cancellation.

Ongoing updates and decisions can be found on the following College channels:
MCC COVID-19 Official Resource Page
MCC Community Events Page

Additional helpful resources:
Coronavirus community information from Nebraska Medicine
Coronavirus summary from the CDC

March 11: MCC suspends domestic travel

Due to coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns, Metropolitan Community College is suspending College-sponsored long-distance/out-of-state domestic travel through May 31. This suspension applies to students, faculty and staff with currently approved travel authorizations through this date. Future long-distance/out-of-state domestic travel planning will resume only after this suspension is lifted.

Any local or in-state College business requiring travel should be cautiously considered and minimized to the extent feasible.

The use of virtual meeting settings such as Skype, Zoom, Go-To Meeting and others to limit face-to-face interaction is highly encouraged.

We continue monitoring COVID-19, ongoing updates and announcements can be found at

March 10: International travel suspension

As spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues, Metropolitan Community College is taking sensible steps to keep our College community protected.

Accordingly, MCC is suspending all College-sponsored student, faculty and staff international travel through December 31, 2020. This suspension includes:

  • Education Abroad programs (also known as Credit Courses Abroad) involving travel outside the continental U.S. and Hawaii, including:
    • Costa Rica – April 15-25, 2020
    • Italy – June 5-16, 2020
    • Ireland – June 8-18, 2020
    • Guatemala – June 22-July 7, 2020
    • Italy – July 15-26, 2020
    • Ghana – July 15-28, 2020
  • Non-Credit Traveling Classrooms programs involving travel outside the continental U.S. and Hawaii, including:
    • Open Kitchen Travel: Cuba – departing April 19, 2020
    • Open Kitchen Travel: Cuba – departing May 15, 2020
    • Greece: The Classical World – departing August 18, 2020
  • Any international travel by faculty or staff for professional development or College business.

We continue closely monitoring COVID-19 developments and may extend this suspension. Future international travel planning will resume only after this suspension is lifted. Ongoing updates and decisions can be found on the following College channels:

MCC Continuing Education Official Page

MCC COVID-19 Official Resource Page

March 10: Ways to manage fears and anxiety

As information about Coronavirus (COVID-19) is revealed, there can be a wide range of thoughts, emotions and reactions. Here is some helpful information and resources for you.

Common reactions over the next few weeks, you may experience a wide range of emotions. This is not uncommon when an epidemic occurs. You may experience some or all of the following:

  • Anxiety, worry, panic
  • An overwhelming sense of helplessness
  • Social withdrawal
  • Anger
  • Difficulty concentrating or sleeping

Ways to manage fears and anxiety. Although Coronavirus is a health issue that is being taken very seriously by public health authorities worldwide, do not let your worry about this virus control your life. There are many simple ways to manage your fears and anxiety. Many of these are essential for leading a healthy lifestyle, and can improve your overall emotional and physical well-being.

  1. Get the facts. Stay informed. For the most current information on Coronavirus (COVID— 19), stay updated through direct websites like Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

  2. Keep things in perspective. Limit worry by spending less time watching media coverage. Stay in charge of your exposure by doing your own research online, and set a time limit for you to do that research.

  3. Stay healthy. Be more diligent than ever by adopting healthy habits such as washing your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, frequently throughout the day and certainly after sneezing or before/after touching your face.

    • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when coughing or sneezing.

    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

    • Avoid contact with others who are sick.

    • Stay home while sick.

  4. Keep connected. Maintaining social networks can help maintain a sense of normalcy and provide valuable outlets for sharing feelings or relieving stress.

  5. Seek additional help. If you feel overwhelmed with worry or anxiety, remember you can seek professional support through a counselor at Best Care Employee Assistance Program.

Schedule your confidential appointment by calling (402) 354-8000 or (800) 801-4182 or send an email to

March 8: MCC Fremont Area Center suspends operations

In response to the coronavirus developments in Fremont, the MCC Fremont Area Center will temporarily suspend operations through March 15.

MCC representatives have been working closely with the City of Fremont, the Three Rivers Public Health Department, and other local officials to develop a coordinated effort to mitigate, suppress and delay the spread of coronavirus. While there are NO suspected cases of COVID-19 involving MCC students, faculty or staff, the Fremont community is applying an abundance of caution through coordinated action such as this.

During the temporary suspension of operations, faculty and staff are not required to report to the Fremont Area Center as no credit or noncredit classes will be held. Spring credit courses will be modified to fit the condensed timeframe. Any scheduled events at the Fremont Area Center will be changed or cancelled.

The College will continue to closely monitor this emerging situation, and update you as conditions warrant. Ongoing updates and decisions can be found on the MCC coronavirus resource page at

Thank you for your continued support. For questions, email the College Health Advisory committee at Further updates will be made via the Inside Story.

The MCC Health Advisory Committee

March 6: Seasonal Flu and Coronavirus Supply Use

Dr. Stacey Ocander gives a tutorial on how to properly clean classrooms and computer labs in this video below. The College is committed to keeping the MCC community healthy, and with your help we can succeed. These cleaning measures are proven and effective ways to stop the spread of viruses. Cleaning supplies should be available at each student services location. We appreciate your help!

VIDEO: Seasonal Flu and Coronavirus Supply Use

March 5: MCC preparedness talk from Dr. Ocander

Dr. Stacey Ocander gave an update about the College’s preparedness during Faculty Development Day, held at the South Omaha Campus. If you missed it, or want to listen again, visit the video below.

VIDEO: MCC preparedness talk from Dr. Ocander

Feb. 28: Monitoring coronavirus outbreak

Metropolitan Community College is currently monitoring news of the coronavirus outbreak. MCC is in close contact with the Douglas County Health Department and other local health experts, and will adhere to any guidelines issued by them. The national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will serve as our primary source of information. As has been the case with past infectious disease outbreaks, the College will be following proven safety procedures to limit the spread of illness and prepare for contingencies (see PM VI-25 below).

As with any contagious illness, you are encouraged to practice good hygiene and common sense measures, such as frequently washing your hands, covering your nose and mouth with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing, avoiding close contact with sick individuals, and staying home when sick.

Some helpful resources:

For further questions, contact the MCC Health Advisory Committee at Thank you for your support as we work through this evolving situation together.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Resources

Metropolitan Community College is currently monitoring news of the coronavirus outbreak. MCC is in close contact with the Douglas County Health Department and other local health experts, and will adhere to their guidance. The National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will serve as our primary source of information. As has been the case with past infectious disease outbreaks, the College will follow proven procedures to limit the spread of illness and prepare for contingencies.

Coronavirus symptoms:

  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath

  • Difficulty breathing

Things you can do:

  • Wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.

  • Use hand sanitizer

  • Stay home when sick

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick

  • Do not touch eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with your arm instead of your hands

Helpful links for more information:

For further questions, contact the MCC Health Advisory Committee at